LikertMakeR 1.0.0

makeCorrLoadings() function added

makeCorrLoadings() generates a correlation matrix of inter-item correlations based on item factor loadings as might be seen in Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) or a Structural Equation Model (SEM).

Such a correlation matrix can be applied to the \code{makeItems()} function to generate synthetic data with those predefined factor structures.

update version number to correct major.minor.patch format

No update from V 0.4.5.

This will be the new numbered for submission to CRAN

LikertMakeR 0.4.5

makePaired() function added

makePaired() generates a dataframe of two paired vectors to emulate data for a paired-sample t-test

LikertMakeR 0.4.0 (2024-11-19)

target Cronbach's Alpha added to makeItemsScale() function

generated scale items now defined by a target Cronbach's Alpha, as well as by variance within each scale item. This latest version adds a little randomness to the selection of candidate row vectors.

LikertMakeR 0.3.0 (2024-05-19)

more randomness in swaps task to makeCorrAlpha() function

correlation matrix usually has values sorted lowest to highest. This happens less often

LikertMakeR 0.2.6

added 'precision' parameter to makeCorrAlpha() function

'precision' adds random variation around the target Cronbach's Alpha. Default = '0' (no variation giving Alpha exact to two decimal places)

LikertMakeR 0.2.5

added correlateScales() function

Create a dataframe of correlated scales from different dataframes of scale items

LikertMakeR 0.2.2

added makeItemsScale() function

Generate rating-scale items from a given summated scale

LikertMakeR 0.2.0 (2024-03-02)

For submission to CRAN

Faster and more accurate functions: lcor() & lfast()

These replace the old lcor() & lfast() with the previous lcor_C() & lfast_R()

LikertMakeR 0.1.9

Added a new functions: makeCorrAlpha(), makeItems(), alpha(), eigenvalues()

LikertMakeR 0.1.7

Added a new function: lcor_C()

LikertMakeR 0.1.6

LikertMakeR 0.1.5 (2022-12-22)

Initial CRAN release